20 Acres of Forest Preserved on Squak Mt.

3D rendering looking SW at the property

An aerial, 3D rendering of the “Squak Mountain Estates” property looking SW. The City of Issaquah has purchased the land and will preserve it as open space.

The City of Issaquah has entered into a purchase and sale agreement to buy 20 acres of forested hillside on the northeast slopes of Squak Mt.  The property, known as Squak Mt. Estates had been proposed for development.  With this acquisition, which is expected to close in May, the land will now be preserved as open space and integrated into the City’s park system.  The property borders the Squak Mt. State Park to the south, and representatives of the State are open to creating new trails to connect this property with the wider network on the mountain, according to Jeff Watling, the City’s Director of the Parks & Community Services Department.

Cabin Creek flows just outside the property’s NW border.  Access to the property will be from Sunrise Place SW, in close proximity to the Kelkari Condiminiums, and about 500 feet northwest of the Squak Mt. Access Trailhead.

“Keeping this as open space is really important.  The land is steep and Cabin Creek doesn’t need any more impacts to it”, said IATC Board member and VP of Advocacy, David Kappler.  “But what we most appreciate is the ability to connect to the trail system on Squak Mt. State Park.  IATC is looking forward to working with the City and the State on the restoration of the site and planning out the trail network.”

Kim Ngo