Our Work

The Issaquah Alps Trails Club has been working for over forty-five years to advocate for the conservation of our public lands, access to trails, and strategic management of our healthy habitats.

Learn more about our history.

Today we continue to pursue this mission by leading free educational guided hikes, by partnering with other organizations like Green Issaquah and the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, and by engaging our members to take action when needed.

In 2019, the IATC came together as an organization to outline a new strategic plan for the next five years. We are excited to continue working to serve our mission and community and hope you will join us too.

Strategic Priorities

Our priority areas reflect how we turn our mission into action every day.



We make sure our public lands remain accessible to all, now and into the future. We do this through…

Trail Connections

  • Connect regional trails 

  • Support ongoing maintenance and improved access

  • Connect people to the trails

  • Help secure funding

Climate Change Action

  • Partner organization collaboration

  • Increase carbon sequestration

  • Support forest fire resiliency

  • Support land managers



We bring together our community and partners to build a coalition of passionate advocates for our public lands. We do this through…

Community Engagement

  • Storytelling

  • Guided hikes with purpose

  • Social media

  • Philanthropy

  • Special events

  • Volunteer programs


  • Land manager relationships

  • Nonprofit relationships

  • Building an inclusive outdoors with a diverse community



We advocate for the continued acquisition of public lands and their stewardship. We do this through…

Critical Acquisitions

  • Help secure funding

  • Engage with public officials

  • Build coalitions

  • Increase public lands

Healthy Habitats

  • Highway 18 - Project 

  • Public outreach and awareness

  • Influence

  • Wildlife and recreation access

Current Projects

Read about the projects we are currently working on.


Save Coal Creek

The city of Bellevue is considering housing development at Coal Creek in Bellevue. The existing horse pasture, barns, and homes would be replaced by 35 new houses and 3 roads. The project will block a critical wildlife corridor.

sr-18 road view.jpg

SR-18 Redevelopment

The redevelopment of State Route 18 is an opportunity to improve wildlife connectivity, enhance recreation infrastructure for all, and provide safe and efficient highway transportation for our region. Unfortunately, the current design plan is lacking in these areas.

Climate action

IATC continues to educate and engage the public about the impacts of climate change and the importance of advocating for actions to reduce carbon emissions and support healthy forests in and surrounding Issaquah.

Opportunity Fund


In a time of rising real estate prices, key parcels—like the one near Coal Creek—are in high demand and frequently sell well above value, outpricing public agencies who are limited in what they can pay to acquire them.

Opportunities to save parcels like the one next to Coal Creek are unpredictable, and available resources—like funding—are critical to securing these properties as public lands.

This is why we have created the Issaquah Alps Opportunity Fund. This fund empowers generous donors to advocate for the Issaquah Alps landscape and its habitat by providing resources specifically to fund public land acquisitions, support land management, and engage the community in order to fulfill our mission of conservation, education, and advocacy for the land, wildlife, and trails of the Issaquah Alps for present and future generations.

If you’d like to make a donation dedicated to the Opportunity Fund today, reach out at contact@issaquahalps.org.

Become an Advocate of the Alps


Our work wouldn’t be possible without the help of our community of passionate donors and volunteers. The IATC collaborates with partner organizations, public land management agencies, and citizen volunteers to educate and advocate for the conservation of our parks, trails, and wildlands. Our Issaquah Alps require strong partnerships, active volunteers, and adequate funding in order to preserve and maintain these unique public lands. Help us give back to the parks, trails, and open spaces today.


Advocacy News